Do you remember the movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? The character of Veruca Salt is one that has always stood out the most to me. I feel like her character embodies the current mentality of our society.
We want it all, and we want it NOW!
Most of what we want or need can be accessed with the touch of a button and then delivered without us ever having to leave the couch!
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for everything. While we may want to push the easy button and see results immediately that is unrealistic, wishful thinking.
When it comes to progress and success, we have to do the work, and we have to be consistent. We aren't going to lose10 lbs from eating one salad or completing one workout. It takes time and commitment to prioritizing our health over what's comfortable.
Results can't be bought. There are thousands of quick-fix solutions advertised to get us results FAST! Supplements, workout equipment, diets, waist trainers, and programs, all promising to get us looking amazing and in the best shape of our lives with little effort.
Check the fine print. If it looks too good to be true, it's because it is. Almost every product promising you the easy way to health and happiness includes a little line at the bottom, "best results when paired with a healthy diet and exercise routine."
We have to do the work. We have to create a new healthy lifestyle by changing our habits and take the necessary actions to align our behavior with our values and goals. Making big changes to how we live our lives can be scary and uncomfortable. Just remember to start small. Start with one habit, stay consistent, and when that habit becomes easy, we can build on that success.
Once our desired results are achieved, we haven't reached the finish line. We can't abandon our new lifestyle and return to our previous habits of eating like garbage all the time and giving up on our exercises routine. If we want to keep the progress that we've made and worked so hard for, we have to continue to be consistent with our healthy lifestyle changes.
The concept of permanent lifestyle change can be daunting initially. I get that. I've been there. It brings up emotions. You may want to resist or give up because it seems like too much work. But I promise if you stick with it, give yourself space to make mistakes, and treat yourself with love and compassion as you navigate these changes in time the new habits will be easier to sustain.
Ready to get started but aren't sure where to begin? Shoot me a message, and let's see if I can help you develop a game plan! I have faith that you have the strength to achieve your goals and create your best life!