Hey there !
How has 2020 treated you? I know it's been forever and day since I sent out a newsletter. When things get hectic (and this year was hectic) you have to prioritize your time and the newsletter didn't make the cut!
I think it's safe to say that this year has been a rough one for all of us. However, despite the pandemic and epic loads of stress to manage there have been some highlights!
I was fortunate to already have an online business and virtual training in place before things got crazy, so my business has weathered the storm fairly well. I used the extra time at home to focus on continuing education, my personal health and wellness, and improving my business. My biggest accomplishment and proudest moment this year was completing my 200
hour yoga teacher training in November! It's a dream I've had for almost a decade and it's finally a reality!
I'm so excited to be able to add yoga instruction into the services I can offer my clients! If this is something you're interested in, I'm currently offering two virtual classes 7:30 AM on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For more information: