Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you learn that you have it all wrong? Your method of executing a task is wrong. Beliefs you thought to be true were established with false information. Assumptions you made about yourself or others are inaccurate. There will always be situations that come up where your confidence is shattered by the realization that your best could be better.
How do you handle the knowledge that you were either wrong or could have been doing a better job?
It's common to feel guilty or ashamed. It can be difficult to accept that you were wrong or that you weren't performing as well as you thought. You may feel like you should have known better or should have been able to foresee the outcome, however you can't hold your past self to the standards of present knowledge. You shouldn't feel ashamed or angry at yourself for things that were outside your awareness, expertise, or
skill set.
Denial or resistance to the knowledge of your limitations are also normal responses. It can be difficult to hear negative feedback about yourself or admit that you were wrong. Initially it can be a hard pill to swallow. But if you take a step back, try to remove the emotion and your ego, you can shift your perspective as you see the bigger picture. When mistakes or shortcomings are revealed you are presented with
the opportunity for change and growth. Up until this point you have been doing your best with the tools and education that were available to you. As that knowledge and skill set expands you have the opportunity to improve. You can't be better until you know better.
Be kind to yourself. Feeling guilt or shame for things you have done or beliefs you thought to be true is wasted energy. Negative self-talk, regretting your mistakes, and beating yourself up will only hinder you from using your new found knowledge to expand and grow. Take action to rectify the wrongs, and let the rest of that shit go. Don't dwell on the past wishing you could change things, but focus on building the future with wisdom
you've gained from past mistakes. Keep moving forward!
I hope you all have a lovely week! Until next time...