Are you frozen like a deer in the headlights trying to figure out what the best workout program is for you?
I get it! The struggle is real. The infomercials, the advertisements on social media, the recommendations your friends give you based on what they are currently doing and the amazing results they’re getting is enough to send your head spinning!
Where do you start? Should you do that thing your friend has found success with? Should you buy that new miracle workout program backed by countless transformation pics, or that piece of equipment that makes it look SO easy to get in shape?
Ask yourself this very important question: Will you stick with it?
Is this program/class/equipment something that you think you are going to enjoy, and ACTUALLY USE? Does it look like fun or does it look like something you’re going to have to force yourself to do every day, or worse, something that will end up collecting dust in the corner?
No matter how amazing the thing is, if you’re not going to stick with it it’s not for you.
If you hate running, why would you force yourself to?
If you hate going to group classes because they make you uncomfortable, why would you sign up for one?
If you have past injuries that would hinder you from safely participating in an activity, why would you put yourself at risk?
Find something that you know that you are going to ENJOY showing up for. Find an activity that gets you excited! If you can see yourself sustaining something long term, even if it’s not “perfect” or may not yield fast results or a major transformation, go with it!
Sustainability > Perfection.
Imperfect Action > Perfect Inaction
Activities you enjoy > Hating every second of your workout
Just remember that regardless of the activity you choose, you will still have days that you don’t feel like showing up. That’s an inevitable part of life. You have good days and bad. There are days you will feel like taking on the world and days where you want to hide under the covers all day. Some days you are just going to have to get up
and do the thing anyway. Discipline isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. Part of being a responsible adult dedicated to their health and fitness is sucking it up and doing what needs to be done on the days we don’t feel like it. I wish there was a magic pill that would eliminate this fact of life, but sorry friend, we all have to face this reality at some point.
Grab a sheet of paper and ask yourself what physical activities bring you joy, then jot down those ideas on a sheet of paper. Maybe there aren’t many. I get that. Working out isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. There has to be SOMETHING that you could commit to regularly that only brings you mild discomfort.
If you’re currently inactive walking is always a great way to start. It’s free and you can find multiple opportunities in your day to get in 10+ minutes of leisure walking.
If you have experience with exercise but haven’t found what works for you try different classes, or do some research to see what is out there!
Here are a few ideas to get you moving:
- Walking
- Jogging/running
- Running clubs
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Dance classes
- Weight training
- Jumping rope
- Hiking
- Swimming
- Group exercise classes
- Biking
- Triathlons
- Mud runs/Obstacle courses
- Marital Arts
- Gymnastics
- Arial Classes
- Calisthenics
- Aerobics
- Barre/Ballet
If you’re still struggling with ideas, or you would like to work with a trainer to help design a personalized program for you don’t hesitate to message me! I’m currently taking new clients both in person and online.