Before and After Pic's: Yay or Nay?
Published: Sat, 11/10/18
Transformation Pictures Before and After pictures... How do you feel about them? Do you take your own progress pictures? Why or why not? What feelings do they bring up for you? Do you find them inspiring or discouraging? It’s not uncommon for before and after pictures to be frustrating for some people. Maybe the people in the pictures aren’t relatable to you and the body you are in. Maybe the people in the pictures represent goals that aren’t in line with yours. Maybe the people in the pictures cause you to feel like you’re never going to meet the societal standards of a healthy body. These are all valid feelings. It’s important to be mindful of what your goals and priorities are when you come across these transformation pictures. Is weight loss your goal? Is having ripped abs or a lean, muscular physique your goal? Is strength your goal? Is general health and body acceptance your goal? Bottom line, if the person in picture doesn’t depict you or your goals, their pictures shouldn’t affect your feelings of self-worth. How they look, their achievements, and what they represent does not represent what is important to you and replicating their journey will not bring you happiness or fulfillment. I know, easier said than done. The more you practice being mindful of the emotions brought up by the images you come across on social media or advertisements and the more you practice letting go of unnecessary feelings of envy or shame, the easier it becomes to neutralize your feelings when faced with similar images in the future. Taking progress pictures is a personal choice. If you’re working with a coach taking regular progress pictures can be useful in detecting improvements in body composition, posture, and even mood. It may be a bit difficult and not particularly enjoyable initially, but as you start to see and feel changes in your body it may be less daunting. It’s important to remember that these pictures represent your journey. Unless you die, your “after” pictures are not a final destination. Your journey will continue and your body will continue to change based on your priorities and goals. If progress pictures are absolutely not for you, you can use one of these methods:
Whatever method
you choose, make sure you are logging your stats consistently. This can help with accountability as well as bringing awareness to any changes you may not have noticed. For a more in depth look at the conversation surrounding progress pictures check out this incredible article from Precision Nutrition. Have a happy, healthy